Scope of Practice

South Dakota codified law, SDCL 36-9-3 and ARSD 20:48:04 outtline the legal scope of practice for RNs who practice in the state of South Dakota, in-person or via telehealth. 

  • All health care providers, including nurses, are expected to adhere to the requirements in SDCL 34-52 when providing services to patients located in South Dakota through telehealth.  
  • All nurses must hold an active SD nursing license, or a compact multistate license, to practice nursing.

 Scope of Practice Decision-Making Framework

  • Nurses and employers are encouraged to use the Board's approved Scope of Practice Decision-making Framework as a guide to making decisions on whether a specific task, intervention, or activity is in an RN's scope.  

 Delegation to Unlicensed or Registered Assistive Personnel

Page Updated: 8/8/2024 2:23:31 PM