Address & Name Changes

Address Change

Change of Address Online Form

South Dakota is a member of the NCL. Holding a multi-state license (MSL) allows a nurse to practice in other member states without obtaining additional licenses in  other NLC states.

To hold a MSL, a nurse must be a resident in a NLC state. 

Be prepared to provide documentation to support residence in South Dakota, examples: state driver's license, voter registration. 

A nurse who holds a multistate license and changes state residence to another NLC member state must apply for a license in the new party state within 60 days!

Name Change

Name Change Request Form 

Send completed form, a copy of the legal document that makes your name change effective, examples: marriage license, divorce decree; and the $10 fee to the Board of Nursing office. Upon receipt, your name will be changed on your license record. You will then be mailed a courtesy license renewal card in your new name.

Until your licensure record is updated, continue to use your former name in relation to your nursing practice and license(s); using any other name is a violation of SD law.
Page Updated: 6/24/2024 10:36:48 AM