New License by Endorsement

Please read the entire page prior to applying.


Licensure by Endorsement is for individuals who have never been issued a RN or LPN license in South Dakota.

South Dakota belongs to the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). If you reside in another NLC state you are not eligible to apply for licensure in SD and should apply in your state of residence. Visit the NLC for a complete list of NLC states.

Application Requirements

  1. Submit online application and pay $100 fee:
    • You will be asked if you want to apply for a Temporary Permit, if you select yes a $25 fee will be added; see Temporary Permit instructions below. A receipt with a confirmation number will display at the end of your application and after submitting the payment.
    • Print the receipt as proof of payment; you will not be emailed a receipt.
  2. Complete criminal background check:  Fingerprint cards and instructions will be mailed to you at the address you enter on your online application. You must use the fingerprint cards sent to you by the SD Board of Nursing. Return the completed fingerprint cards to the Board of Nursing office with required fee in the form of a money order.
  3. Request verification of your original state of licensure:
    • Go to Nursys, where you will be required to submit a fee. The Board will access your verification from Nursys after you submit your online application.
    • Exception: For states that do not use Nursys, use the Verification of Licensure form. Complete the top section then send to your state of original licensure; before sending, contact the state to determine if a fee is required.
  4. Verification of Employment: South Dakota requires nursing practice hours to obtain or maintain an active license. Verification of nursing employment or volunteer hours of at least 140 hours in any 12-month period, or an accumulated total of 480 hours, within the preceding 6 years is required. Request current or previous employer to complete the Employment Verification form. Mail the completed form to the Board office or email to:
    • If you are a new graduate, indicate new graduate on the online application; you do not need to complete the Employment Verification form.

    • If you do not have the required nursing practice hours, see Nurse Refresher Course.

Application            Track Application

Temporary Permit

It is illegal to practice in South Dakota as a nurse without a current license or a valid temporary permit. 

  • A temporary permit is valid for 90 days and is non-renewable.
  • The holder of a permit must use the title Registered Nurse Applicant (RN App) or Licensed Practical Nurse Applicant (LPN App).

A temporary permit will be issued after the following is received in the board office: online application and request for temporary permit (step 1 above) and completed criminal background check cards and fee (step 2).

You will not receive a paper copy of the temporary permit. A temporary permit can be found by accessing LPN, RN, APRN Search.under the Verify menu.

An application is null one year following the date it was received at the Board office. Fees are non-refundable.
Page Updated: 2/27/2025 12:57:11 PM