New License Application

To practice as a nurse practitioner in South Dakota you must possess a license or a temporary permit issued by the Board of Nursing.  A license or temporary permit is required before you can begin orientation at your place of employment. 

Follow instructions carefully, if information is incorrect, incomplete or illegible, processing may be delayed.


Plan on 4 – 6 weeks for all required forms to be received at the Board office. After all forms are received, your application will be considered for approval. You will be notified in writing if additional information is required.

  • Complete Form 1 - General Application and submit with fee of $100 to the Board office. The fee must accompany form. 
    • Payment must be in the form of a money order payable to SD Board of Nursing. Fees are non-refundable.
    •  If a Temporary Permit is also desired, see Temporary Permit Instructions below.
    • An application is null one year following the date it was received at the Board office.

Requirements for Licensure

RN License

  • You must have a current, valid, unencumbered South Dakota RN license or temporary permit. 
  • If not, apply for a South Dakota RN License
  • Or – provide the license number of a compact RN license from your primary state of residence (where you hold a driver’s license, pay taxes, and/or vote). 

Criminal Background Check

  • All applicants for licensure must submit a full set of fingerprints to obtain a state and federal criminal background check (CBC). 
  • The fingerprint card packet and instructions will be mailed to the address provided on your application.
A temporary permit will not be issued until completed fingerprint cards are received. A permanent licensure will not be issued until results of the CBC are received by the Board office.


  • Submit a transcript from each applicable college, university, or program you attended and completed course work for your nurse practitioner role.
    • The college that issued the degree must include the date the degree was conferred or awarded and the APRN role and population focus area.  
  • Complete the college’s online transcript request process, have the transcript electronically sent directly to OR – Complete the Transcript Request Form (Form 2 in the Application), send to the Office of the Registrar. 


Primary source verification of successfully passing a nurse practitioner certification examination and maintaining current certification is required for licensure and renewal in SD. Refer to the certification body's website to request primary source verification of your certification status be sent directly to the Board office.

Practice Verification

  • All applicants are required to practice a minimum of 1,040 hours as a licensed CNP to practice without a collaborative agreement.
  • The 1,040 practice hours must be in the role of a licensed nurse practitioner within the preceding five years.
  • Applicants may count licensed practice hours from other jurisdictions/states.
  • Submit the Practice Verification Form to verify licensed practice hours.
If you cannot verify 1,040 hours of licensed practice you must submit a Collaborative Agreement. The agreement must be with a South Dakota licensed physician or CNP who holds an unencumbered license, has a minimum of two years of licensed practice experience, and who practices in a comparable area to your nurse practitioner education and certification. Once you have 1,040 hours of licensed practice you may retire the agreement by completing the Practice Verification Form.

Instructions for Temporary Permit

 A temporary permit is valid only for the period of time it has been issued and may not be renewed. Practice beyond the expiration date is a violation of law and may result in disciplinary action. 

The holder of a temporary permit to practice will use the designation of CNP-App.

Permit issued for License by Examination

A temporary permit by examination is issued to an applicant waiting for results of the first exam they are eligible to take after completion of an approved education program.  The temporary permit will be issued when the following is completed and received in the Board office: 

  1. Application (Form 1) and $100 fee.
  2. Temporary Permit Application, (Form 5 in the Application) and $25 fee.
  3. Fingerprint cards (see Criminal Background Check)
  4. Verification of current RN licensure.
  5. Verification of education – Completed Form 3 or Transcript verifying degree was conferred.
  6. Verification of examination eligibility: Documentation from your certification body that you are eligible to sit for their exam or that you are awaiting results of the first exam for which you are eligible after graduation.
  7. Submit Supervisory Agreement with a SD licensed physician or CNP. 
    • Applicants are required to be supervised the first 30 days by direct personal contact (physically present and available).  Thereafter, and until the expiration of temporary permit, supervision must include two, one-half business days per week.  Upon issuance of a permanent CNP license the Supervisory Agreement becomes invalid at which time a Collaborative Agreement must be on file.
  8. Submit the Collaborative Agreement with a SD licensed physician or CNP. 
    • New CNP licensure applicants are required to practice a minimum of 1,040 hours as a licensed CNP to practice without a collaborative agreement.  Hours practiced on a temporary permit cannot be included in the 1,040 hours.  

Permit Issued for License by Endorsement

A temporary permit by endorsement is issued to an applicant who holds licensure as a CNP in another state or territory and is awaiting licensure in SD.  The permit becomes invalid 120 days from issuance date. The temporary permit will be issued when the following is completed and received in the Board office: 

  1. Application (Form 1) and $100 fee.
  2. Temporary Permit Application (Form 5 in the Application) and $25 fee.
  3. Fingerprint cards (see Criminal Background Check)
  4. Verification of current RN licensure.
  5. Verification of current CNP licensure. 
  6. Verification of current certification in role and focus area of a CNP.  Provide a copy of your current certification card – OR – have primary source verification of current certification sent directly from the certification body to the Board office.
  7. Submit Practice Verification Form.
    • Applicants are required to practice a minimum of 1,040 hours as a licensed CNP to practice without a collaborative agreement.  If you cannot verify 1,040 hours of licensed practice complete and submit a Collaborative Agreement with a SD licensed physician or CNP. 
Page Updated: 11/27/2024 3:54:53 PM