Scope of Practice

  • All Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) must hold an active South Dakota nursing license to practice nursing.
  • SDCL 36-9A-13 outlines the legal scope of practice for CNMs practicing in South Dakota in-person or via telehealth.
  • Nurses and employers are encouraged to use the Board's approved APRN Scope of Practice Decisioning Algorith as a guide to making decisions on whether a specific task, intervention, or activity is in a CNM's scope.


  • All health care providers, including nurses, are expected to adhere to the requirements in SDCL 34-52  when providing services to patients located in South Dakota through telehealth. SDCL 34-52 includes the definition of telehealth and the requirements for treatment of patients, provider-patient relationship and exceptions, consultation recommendations, examination, prescribing, informed consent, and medical records.

Collaboration Requirement

  • Pursuant to SDCL 36-9A-13.1, all CNMs are expected to collaborate with other health care providers and refer or transfer patients as appropriate.
  • Pursuant to SDCL 36-9A-1 (6), collaboration is defined as "the act of communicating pertinent information or consulting with a licensed physician or other licensed health care provider with each provider contributing the provider's respective expertise to optimize the overall care delivered to the patient".
  • To practice without a collaborative agreement, a CNM must have on file with the Board office a Practice Verification Form verifying a minimum of 1,040 licensed practice hours within the role of a CNM. 
    • The Board's Verification Site provides information on a CNM's practice authority status.

Out-of-Hospital Birth Practice

Approved OOH Birth Providers


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Page Updated: 8/8/2024 1:54:34 PM